19 mar Copenhagen MatchUp is back on April 29. – 30. 2024
A promising new generation of Danish game studios are on display at the annual matchmaking event Copenhagen MatchUp on April 29. – 30. Investors and publishers from all over the world are ready to explore the innovation and business potential.
Copenhagen MatchUp is an exclusive event pairing investors and publishers from across the World with the best and brightest of the Danish games industry both online and on-site in Copenhagen.
Successful Danish game companies such as BetaDwarf, Ghost Ship Games, Hutlihut, Kong Orange and Eddaheim can all trace investment agreements back to a Copenhagen MatchUp event.
Who will be next?
More than 40 investors and publishers – both international and domestic – have already signed up for the 2024-event looking forward to meeting Danish developers from all corners of the country.
And the best part? It is absolutely free, thanks to Vision Denmark’s partnership with Producentforeningen, Dansk Erhverv, Creative Denmark, Ghost Ship Games,Nordisk Games and The Danish Board of Business Development and European Union, who are supporting Vision Denmark’s work to promote innovation and growth in the industry.
Copenhagen MatchUp started as an investment event in 2017 and has grown year by year into the Danish games industry premier business meetups. In 2023 more than 110 companies participated in the event – 72 developers and 40 investors/pubishers.
Don’t miss out on the chance to meet your next potential business partner that can help realize and elevate your game. Sign up now to secure your seat!
We look forward to welcoming the industry back at the Historic Stock Exchange Hall for the on-site event on April 30.