Membership terms
Your membership must be approved by the executive board. Upon approval, you will receive an email welcoming you to the cluster along with an invoice on the membership fee. The price is adjusted so that payment is made for the remaining number of months in the current year.
The membership is automatically renewed at the end of the year unless you give notice of cancellation. Cancellation must be made with 6 months’ notice to In the event of cancellation, no fee refund will be made.
Activities and evaluation By registering as a member, you declare that your company has participated or intends to participate in more than one Vision Denmark activity.
Activities that your company may participate in are:
You are also aware that Vision Denmark aim to bring together the national digital visual industry cluster and create opportunities for members of the cluster to create new products and innovation. In this connection and with this agreement, you accept that your company, as a member/supporter of the cluster, is included in the evaluation of Vision Denmark’s activities and innovation-oriented efforts, including that your company answers a questionnaire regarding innovation 1-2 times a year and that the Danish Business Authority and COWI subsequently have permission to evaluate your company’s innovation.