Dialogue Tree: Labor in the Danish games industry
Vision Denmark and the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen would like to invite you to join us on October 13th for a conversation about Labor in the (Danish) Games Industry.
In this, the first edition of a new series of events, created to bring the local games industry and games research closer together, we have gathered an exciting group of speakers to tackle the always interesting topic of labor and working conditions in the Games Industry. Each speaker will have 15 minutes to present their perspective, and then they will discuss in a round table, followed by a Q&A session open to the public.
The speakers for this event are:
Martin Buhl Svanum:
6-year veteran at IO Interactive, where he now is COO, with past experience in development of investment platforms and fintech. Education in Computer Science from Niels Brock, De Montfort University, and the IT-University
Martin will talk about IO Interactives use of micro-surveys in their work with employee satisfaction, and what insights this use has brough
Riley Andersen:
CEO at Umami Games, who recently received a seed investment from Vækstfonden and angel investor Morten Wulff. Tactile Games alumni, and candidate from the IT-University.
Riley will talk about the considerations they have had about the work culture and working conditions at Umami Games following their recent upstaffing
Astrid Mie Refstrup:
CEO and founder of Triple Topping Games, advisor for games investor Kowloon Knights, with, and previous vice president of Global Game Jam and vice chair of IGDA Denmark.
Astrid will talk about the special rules that Triple Topping have set down in their employee handbook, and their reasons for making these choices.
Martin Pichlmair:
Associate Professor and Head of the Games MsC at the IT University of Copenhagen. Co-founder of the indie studio Broken Rules. His latest game is Vitriol.
Martin will talk about the challenges of game educations when it comes to helping students access the labor market.
Emil Lundedal Hammar:
Postdoctoral fellow at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and at the Center for Excellence GameCult at the University of Tampere, and senior lecturer at the University of Tromsø.
Emil will present some data on labor conditions on the Danish Game Industry, while situating these in an international context.
Regö Porkoláb:
BSc in Global Business Informatics and MSc in Game Design from the IT University, with a specialization in Production. Currently a producer at FlatPonies, an independent Danish video game company in Copenhagen.
Regö will talk about sustainable work practices in the games industry, based on his Master Thesis research.
Practical info
How to get to the IT University:
- The address is Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300, Copenhagen S.
- Islands Brygge is the closest Metro station.
- Parking is possible but not free.
This is the first in a series of events Vision Denmark and the IT University, so stay tuned for future announcements!
Material from the Dialogue Tree events can be found on the site for the event series https://dialoguetree.dk/
No up front registration is required.
The event is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education & Science
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