Spilbar 59: Meet the Swedes
So close and yet so far apart.
Copenhagen and Malmö are both important clusters for game development, but for many years, it has seemed like the distance between Copenhagen and Malmö was much longer than the 25 minutes train ride should justify. But with the continued influx of candidates from Malmö’s Game Assembly education to Copenhagen and the opening of IO Interactives branch in Malmö, it seems the distance is getting shorter these days.
For this SpilBar the distance is going to be exactly zero, as Malmös Game Habitat, the local cluster for game development in Southern Sweden has taken on the job of curating. This means three talks about Sweden-related topics, as well as Swedish beers, soft drinks and snacks available for the mingling afterwards. And hopefully some developers will also have found their way across the pond to demo their games and prototypes at SpilBar.
16:00 Doors open
16.15 Welcome by Jesper Krogh Kristiansen, Game Habitat
16:35 How Malmö became a home for Game Development (Peter Lübeck, Game Habitat)
More than ten years ago, Malmö was nowhere near the center for game development it is today. But somehow, a lot of different parties came together with a shared vision, and managed to create something new. This is a brief history of Malmö’s Game Habitat told by Peter Lübeck
16.55 Games as (Swedish) Art (Bobbi Augustine Sand, co-founder Dataspelscentrum)
Games have never been officially accepted as art in Sweden. Not until now, at least. Bobbi Augustine Sand is co-founder of the new initiative Dataspelscentrum, and will tell about why it is important for the medium of games to get accepted as culture, and how Dataspelscentrum is working to ensure that.
17.25 Break
17.40 Top three learnings from opening a studio in Malmö – even if it is just crossing the Öresund bridge (Sandra Smedegaard Mondahl, IO Interactive)
17:55 The Swedish Wonder (Jaana Nykänen, Association of Swedish Game Developers)
Jaana is a board member of the Association of Swedish Game Developers (The Swedish Games Industry), and will give an overview of the games industry in Sweden and why it has been so successful – despite the lack of recognition from the official national and political systems.
18.25 News and Announcements
18.35 Mingle, refreshments and demos
19.30 Good night!
As always, attendance is free and registration is not required.
About SpilBar:
Since 2010, SpilBar has gathered professionals and interested in and around the games industry for talks and mingling. The talks are always based around ideas worth spreading and meant to be inspirational and always in a format that is open to everyone. The talks are always followed by time to meet and mingle.
SpilBar is organized by Vision Denmark and the program is curated by Mads Marturin, Thomas Vigild and Kristine Ploug.
The SpilBar format was developed by Interactive Denmark, Thomas Vigild and Kristine Ploug.
The logo is designed by Pernille Sihm.
Join SpilBar’s Facebook group here.
Join the mailinglist and receive mails about SpilBar events here
SpilBar is supported by the Game Funding Scheme under the Danish Film Institute, The European Union and the Danish Board of Business Development.
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