Spilbar – walk the walk
SpilBar goes for a walk. Pull out the puzzle-papers and embark on a totally non-digital scavenger hunt with clues, riddles and stories
It has been a while, and it is time to meet again. SpilBar has always been about creating community and spreading interesting ideas for everyone in and around the games industry, and after a long time of screen-based meetings, we are happy to invite you for a puzzle walk. Like a puzzle walk in the real outside world. With stuff. And real people.
What is a puzzle walk
SpilBar has teamed up with Institute of Wonder, who has created a puzzle walk especially for SpilBar.
In itself the activity ‘Puzzle Walk’ is nothing new – it is a form of scavenger hunt known for centuries at birthday parties and mainly for kids. But this playful activity can also evolve into new territories and merge the hunts with behavioral psychology, social group dynamics and more. By using the power of games and interaction design, the puzzles walks aim to enlighten the whole group – not only learn about historical people, places and periods in the chosen arena of the puzzle walk, but more importantly create memories and ignite new sparks of enlightenment in the players. Through puzzle walks game designers can set up interesting and meaningful rituals which profoundly challenge and affect our players and let them see themselves and each other in new ways.
Sign up – as an individual or as a team
The puzzle walk is a team event, and we have limited spots so sign-up is necessary. Sign up as a team or – in the true spirit of SpilBar – as an individual, and we will create the teams. Before the event, you will receive an email from Institute of Wonder with precise information about where in Kødbyen to meet.
Everybody is welcome!
More puzzle walks:
Institute of Wonder – puzzle walks in Assistentens Kirkegård, Christiania and Kødbyen.
Solve a mystery – puzzle walks at Amalienborg, Runde Tårn, Christiansborg and Nyhavn
Mystery Makers – puzzle walks at Kronborg, Kongens Have, Kastellet and Christiansborg
HV?M – historical/cultural puzzle walks in Bork Vikingehavn, Roskilde, Grenaa, Viborg and soon in Haderslev and Aarhus.
Spilbar er arrangeret af Vision Denmark, DADIU, HV?M og Institute of Wonder.
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