
Communication of digital 3D model via Augmented Reality

Project partners



With a digital 3D model of a 300-year-old shipwreck as a focal point, the Alexandra Institute, together with the companies CadPeople and JD-Contractor, will clarify to what extent it is technically possible to create an augmented reality experience, where several guests simultaneously see and experience the same virtual 3D model.

The technical innovation consists, among other things, of in object segmentation in 3D images and the coupling with/optimization of the AR technology, which the industry will be able to build on.


Start: May 2023

Expected completion: May 2024

A museum experience will “submerge” visitors underwater and experience 300-year-old shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. But to create an immersive and realistic experience, it requires innovation on the technical side. The tracking of the position and orientation of the glasses in the room must be so good that you can doubt whether you are seeing it in reality or in AR.


The project will result in a clarification of methods to create a collective AR experience, where several guests experience the same virtual 3D model at the same time, as well as a proof-of-concept for the use of new ground-breaking technologies and their potential for e.g. XR companies and their products.

The project partners will push the possibilities of AR by combining the advanced data material from the shipwrecks with modern technology, which has not been done before on this scale and context.


The project’s results will be described in articles that are shared via newsletters, social media, relevant trade magazines and via Vision Denmark’s network.

Interested in more information about the project?

Mariann Nederby Madsen, Vision Denmark

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