
Creating a Tele Cobot with motion capture and VR techniques

Project partners


The project will show how combining motion capture and VR techniques with robots can generate remote training of robots and hence ease the work and generate use for a completely new industry such as the production or service industry.


The production industry consists of a range of automated and repetitive tasks fx. machine fitting, assembly tasks and tasks that require loading and unloading. The usage of cobots is ideal for the more monotonous work.


With the project The University of Copenhagen want to build a tele-cobot to enable people to instruct, manage and debug robot workflows, remotely and collaboratively. The goal of tele-cobots is to make an easy to use and all-in-one collaborative platform for enterprises to instruct, manage and debug robot workflows in work environments, remotely.

The purpose of the project is to make a prototype of the robot using smart gloves with motion caption and Oculus Quest to use shared vision. This will be used to interact with the Robot and show that it can be trained remotely by human movements with an object-based learning system.


A prototype of the Tele-cobot will be showcased at a public tech industry event with the ambition to inspire others to collaboration or engage in research projects.

Interested in more information about the project? Contact:

Susanne Skovgaard, Vision Denmark


Startet den 1. januar 2022

Forventes afsluttet den 31. december 2022

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