
Sustainability Models for International Film and Series Productions

Project partners


The innovation collaboration between DTU, VIA University College, The Animation Workshop, and several film and TV companies in Denmark and abroad aims to strengthen the film and TV industry’s foundation for sustainable practices. Drawing on four different production concepts, the project scientifically develops and tests green and socially sustainable approaches to planning international co-productions of films and TV series.

Producing films and TV series generates significant CO2 emissions. Transport and the construction of sets and scenery are associated with a considerable environmental impact. While several green initiatives and recommendations for sustainable film and TV production have emerged, there is a lack of scientific and academic studies to support and evaluate various practices in green production methods – and their effects.


The project uses four distinct production concepts to develop and scientifically test green and socially sustainable approaches to planning international co-productions.

The project is anchored in a specific case: a so-called “long treatment” for a six-episode miniseries, each lasting 45 minutes, set around 1900 on the Danish island of Møn and in Argentina.

The project establishes four different production scenarios:


– Locations in Latin America (traditional co-production with LAT-AM)
– Locations in the EU (traditional European co-production)
– Production using Virtual Production setups and tools
– Remote Production


Each case provides unique yet comparable models for implementing holistically sustainable productions. This is the first time a comprehensive analysis has been conducted of the social and environmental impacts of various production concepts, drawing on expertise from both the production and research domains.


The project is a case study for a holistic green approach to managing co-production across multiple countries. The research and documentation describe how practices were identified and applied across the pre-production, production, and post-production phases.

The project results are compiled in a report, including concrete recommendations, guidelines, and tools to support decision-making processes in future productions.


Read the rapport: “Exploration of a sustainability model for pan-national co-productions within film and television”

Read: “Environmental Sustainability Guide- lines”

Read: “Social Sustainability Guidelines”


Project partners
New Era Production (DK)
La SUMA og CIMARRÓN (Uruguay/Argentina)
SAGA Film og Remote Production Service (Island)
Wonder M. Films Lda (Portugal)
Windelin-Consulting (DK)
DTU Sustain
Via University College
The Animation Workshop


Interested in more information about the project?

Mariann Nederby Madsen, Vision Denmark


Start: September 2023

Finished: December 2024


The project results are compiled in a report, including concrete recommendations, guidelines, and tools to support decision-making processes in future productions.


Read the rapport “Exploration of a sustainability model for pan-national co-productions within film and television”

Read “Environmental Sustainability Guide- lines”

Read “Social Sustainability Guidelines”



New Era Production ApS

Research Project Idea and Initiation


European Location Research Case

Wonder Maria Filmes LdA


LatAm Location Research Case

La Suma

Cimarron Cine


Remote Production Research Case



Compass Films


Virtual Production Research Case

Windelin Consulting


NextNew Studio

Igelkott Studios




Green Producers Tool

Entertainment PARTNERS


Green Film Consultancy

Brain Bar Studios

DTU Research & Innovation

Innovationssamarbejdet mellem DTU, Via University College, The Animation Workshop og en række film- og tv-selskaber i ind- og udland skal give film- og tv-branchen et stærkere og mere velfunderet grundlag for at arbejde bæredygtigt. Med afsæt i fire forskellige produktionskoncepter udvikler og tester projektet videnskabeligt funderede grønne og socialt bæredygtige tilgange til planlægning af internationale co-produktioner af film og tv-serier.


Det koster mange tons CO2 at producere film og tv. Særligt transport og opbygning af set og kulisser er forbundet med en betydelig klimabelastning. Det har affødt flere grønne initiativer og anbefalinger til bæredygtig film- og tv-produktion, men der mangler videnskabelige og akademiske studier, der understøtter og afdækker de forskellige praksisser indenfor grønne produktionsmetoder – og deres effekt.


Med afsæt i fire forskellige produktionskoncepter vil projektet udvikle og teste videnskabeligt funderede grønne og socialt bæredygtige tilgange til planlægning af internationale co-produktioner.

Projektet tager udgangspunkt i én konkret case: et såkaldt ’langt treatment’ til en miniserie i seks episoder af 45 min., der udspiller sig omkring år 1900 på Møn og i Argentina.


Projektet opstiller fire forskellige produktionsscenarier:

– Locations i Latinamerika (traditionel co-produktion med LAT-AM)
– Locations i EU (traditionel europæisk co-produktion)
– Produktion med Virtual Production-setup og værktøjer
– Remote Production


Hver case vil give unikke, men sammenlignelige bud på modeller for at gennemføre holistisk bæredygtige produktioner.

Det er første gang, at der bliver foretaget en egentlig analyse af de sociale og klimamæssige virkninger af forskellige produktionskoncepter, der både trækker på ekspertise fra produktions- og forskningssiden.


Projektet er et casestudie på en holistisk grøn tilgang til at administrere en co-produktion mellem forskellige lande. Forskningen og dokumentationen beskriver, hvordan praksisserne er blevet identificeret og anvendt i en præ-, produktions- og post-produktionsfase.

Projektets resultater er samlet i rapport, som inkluderer konkrete anbefalinger, guidelines og værktøjer, som kan danne grundlag for beslutningsprocesser i fremtidige produktioner.


Læs rapporten “Exploration of a sustainability model for pan-national co-productions within film and television”

Læs “Environmental Sustainability Guide- lines”

Læs “Social Sustainability Guidelines”


New Era Production (DK)
La SUMA og CIMARRÓN (Uruguay/Argentina)
SAGA Film og Remote Production Service (Island)
Wonder M. Films Lda (Portugal)
Windelin-Consulting (DK)
DTU Sustain
Via University College
The Animation Workshop


Interesseret i mere information om projektet?

Mariann Nederby Madsen, Vision Denmark


Opstart: september 2023

Asluttet: december 2024


Projektets resultater er samlet i rapport, som inkluderer konkrete anbefalinger, guidelines og værktøjer, som kan danne grundlag for beslutningsprocesser i fremtidige produktioner.


Læs rapporten “Exploration of a sustainability model for pan-national co-productions within film and television”

Læs “Environmental Sustainability Guide- lines”

Læs “Social Sustainability Guidelines”

Private partnere:


New Era Production ApS

Research Project Idea and Initiation


European Location Research Case

Wonder Maria Filmes LdA


LatAm Location Research Case

La Suma

Cimarron Cine


Remote Production Research Case



Compass Films


Virtual Production Research Case

Windelin Consulting


NextNew Studio

Igelkott Studios



Tak til

Green Producers Tool

Entertainment PARTNERS


Green Film Consultancy

Brain Bar Studios

DTU Research & Innovation

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